Saturday, September 09, 2006

Movie Reflections - "Groundhog Day"

Watched this movie on HBO this afternoon, quite thought provoking, thats why I writing this.....
This movie tells a simple story about a man who is stuck in the time of “today”. He has no tomorrow or yesterday, he relives the same everyday, the same routine takes place every day, right at the point he wakes up at 6.00am. After 3 or so days, he gets sick of it and starts lamenting and tries all sorts of ways to end it, including ending his own life!, but all to no avail, he continues to relieve the same day ever day. Finally he starts to notice the finer things that take place every day, he starts to take note and take care of the people around him who greet him everyday as per everyday. He starts learning new things, gain new knowledge to help people, and of course live differently and definitely more fulfilling…

Many of us live lives very much like Mill Murrays in the movie, we wake up pretty much the same time, brush our teeth, take our breakfast, join in the squeeze at the rush hour traffic, get stuck in office trying to clear emails and paperwork, meet deadlines, see irritating people, solve other people’s problems, and the list goes on and on…. But always forgetting to appreciate the simple but yet significant things that are going on as we rush.
Many a times, we wish to get out such routines, we want to change our lives, just like him trying to end it (even ending his own life), but maybe if we try to live everyday differently and better, even if it were the same routine every day, life may be just as fulfilling.

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